Thursday, August 11, 2005


Just noticed how bad the resolution looked on my last posting... thought I'd attempt another shot by doing a little blurb on my lovely pet in Texas.


Katheryn (better half) and I tossed around the idea of getting a little puppy for her home at the beginning of 2005. We approached our 1 year mark in early April and I pitched the idea of possibly getting a dog for our anniversary gift. I believe I sent an email around Valentines... early March that said something to the effect of

"... we're now only puppy & a live in boyfriend away from being an atomic family."

I was of the opinion (and still am) that our 1st year Anniversary gift should be something insanely special. At the time both Katheryn and I discussed getting pro-sumer digital cameras for each other, but I strongly felt that the gifts were too mechanical and cold.

The dog, I thought, would be something warm, alive and forever special. We secured little Abigial 2 weeks before my visit to San Antonio after missing out on some key posts in the local classifieds. Katheryn and I tossed and turned for a few weeks about properly adopting a pet (which we hope to do so in 8 months or so) but we were looking at a short window of opportunity to really share a proper 1 Year Anniversary gift.

Katheryn and I spent several months researching various breeds in hopes of finding the perfect pet, and we settled on getting a Miniature Schnauzer. There were a few nights of private debate on what we would name her... but we settled on Abigail the night before Kathie brought her home.


PS: For anyone interested in Miniature Schnauzers please visit:


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