Friday, April 27, 2007

24 | Ekobase

Latest episode of Ekobase is up...

Season 3 is coming to a wind and we're looking very forward to taking a much needed break of recording LOST related podcasts. This weeks episode isn't that different from episodes past. My sister joins in on the fun before closing the show...


Wednesday, April 25, 2007


With the Summer months creeping around the corner... I'm finding it harder and harder to not justify the purchase of this windshield "sun blocker".

Not only would it help with the diabolical heat we get in San Antonio... I would also have the opportunity to flash Dracula.


Monday, April 23, 2007

Plugs from PopTrashRadio

Received a lovely email from Davy of Pop Trash Radio fame today.

The email was a warm hello & heartfelt praise for our little podcast... a gesture that's always great to get from listeners, but especially great to get from someone I listen to weekly.

The nicest gesture of all was getting a small website plug on the Pop Trash Radio website -

I imagine getting a small bump in listeners from it. I promise to roll out a new PopCulture podcast in the near future.


Friday, April 20, 2007

Friday Nite

I've been told to never apologize on a blog for not posting... I don't generate the traffic to warrant said apology.

There are however a number of friends who visit the site and ask why I haven't posted any updates recently.

Let me first say that I'm doing well.
Work has been incredibly busy in recent weeks and I find myself not wanting to spend a lot of time in front of the computer during my down time.

I've picked up a number of albums in recent weeks and I've seen an obscene amount of movies.

I plan to do a proper write up on those subjects this weekend.

I'm off to walk little Elliot for now.

.alamo City rollie.


yet another ekobase podcast

I promise to start posting entries not related to in the near future.

We get a number of referrals by me simply posting this update.

Check it out, its one of best shows we've done in recent memory.


Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Pop Culture Podcast Returns

After take an incredibly long break... the pop culture podcastis back and we're looking to drop episodes with greater frequency.

Peep it.


Saturday, April 14, 2007 gets a face lift and we drop the 22nd episode

Got word from Jaime this morning that got a much deserved facelift.

With the release of the new site we also dropped the 22nd installment of the show.


Friday, April 06, 2007

Good Friday, in the South Side

Received a lovely message from my dear friend Phil, now residing on the South Side of Chicago.

"today, the mexicans carried a gigantic cross down my block.
it was garnished with an american and a mexican flag,
preceded by an old weeping woman,
and followed by a burro.
happy holidays, i guess."  - Phil B

Good Friday, indeed.

- alamo City rollie -


ekobase: 21

Latest episode of Ekobase is up...

The show is a recap of Wednesday's show... those wanting to hear my thoughts on what I think was one of the most upsetting episodes in weeks - download by clicking on the link above.


Thursday, April 05, 2007

the Kissplorer

With GuitarHero fever running high in our household... I went out of my way to personalize my axe.

I had some assistance from a co-worker who does a lot of scrap-booking. Below is a picture of what it took get it to look just right.


Sunday, April 01, 2007

Ekobase 20 & 19

Forgetful me forgot to post Ekobase episode updates... Both episode 20 & 19 are now available for download.

The last two episodes of LOST have been pretty good... I think the podcasts have been equally good.
