Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Fantasy Football

With only two weeks till the NFL season kick off.... Yours truly spent his early evening with 14 of his closest friends determining the draft order for the 2005 Fantasy Football Season. It's so competitive that I gone out of my way to create a website for my fictional team: the Paris Texans.

Happy to report that the draft went remarkably well for the Texans. If all goes well, I hope to be the first Fantasy Franchise (in my league) to win the title a second time.


Tuesday, August 23, 2005

6 = 24 ?

While out running a few errands after work this evening it occurred to me that I desperately needed 2 things from the supermarket: a.) Mustard, b.) Toilet Paper. The latter of the two was a pressing matter seeing that I was fresh out, so I made it a point to stop at the store before coming home.

Normally, the errand described above would never get a mention in passing conversation, but I ran across something peculiar while out shopping.

Let me preface my report by saying that I'm fascinated by strange things that could ONLY occur in Middle America. Maybe thats a bit harsh... this occurrence could happen anywhere in America.

There's a disturbing need to always have "bigger", "more" or "bulk" these days (food, cars, etc.) and for those whom opt out of these options... well you end up paying a little extra to not be caught dead lugging around 72oz cup from McDonalds. I can't consciously blame consumers... I'd be lying if I said I didn't opt to get a larger size of popcorn at the theatre last week because regular was obnoxiously small for $2.85. (medium was 2x larger for 20 cents more)

Chalk it up to clever marketing. I can't tell you how many times I've looked at a 30 pack of beer and thought to myself... "Rollie, you're totally getting fucked on the price for 24... get the 30 pack of PBR". But I digress...

Clever marking came to a screeching halt this afternoon when I ran across a pack of 6 toilet paper rolls that equate 24 REGULAR rolls. I literally had a double take at first because 6=12, 12=24... these are common place. Hell, every once in a great while you find double rolls of 4 and 8 packs.

But, 6 Super Rolls that equate 24 regular ones? When did this "supersize" occur? Is this something that just came out recently? Was I the last one to hear about this very bad joke?

I picked up the package to carefully read its inner promise. Not only are the rolls triple sized... the package comes with a toilet roll EXTENDER so that consumers could easily install the monstrosity at home.

This my friends became the "gots-to-have" item of the week.

Took the package home, took photos to share with friends close enough to humor my bad taste and decided to document on the instillation of the toilet paper roll.

Instillation was a cinch.

Just gave the roll the 'Price Is Right' money wheel spin to confirm proper clearance between it and the wall.

All in all... the toilet paper is as advertised. A true triple roll. But this is surely going to be "Clear Pepsi" product... there's just no way this could catch on.

Or could it?


Sunday, August 21, 2005

Between a rock and a third world drug

Approached a very interesting crossroad in life this weekend... I'm slowly recovering from a nasty head cold I picked up on Friday and for the first time ever in my life, I treated my symptoms with over the counter medications that my better half recommend from the Unitied States.

Up until this weekend, every time I felt a bit under the weather, I phoned home. Asked me mum for a recommendation... two days later a care package with over the counter Mexican medication would arrive at my door step. I haven't the foggiest idea of what I've been putting in my body all these years... I've left all of that in the lap of the gods if you will.

Mother would quickly ask for a list of symptoms and then she'd utter out a strange prescription: "Dos desenfriol'd antes de dormir, y toma te dos the Rinofren quando the amaneses"

The pills mother would send up never came in boxes... instead they came in little foil packages that managed to have very pertinent instructions printed on parts of the foil that make it nearly impossible to make out.

Well the days of reckless "third world" prescriptions (what Kathie calls them) are well behind me. I've put my trust and well being in the hands of my better half in hopes of getting better and having a bit of a better understanding of what I put into my little system. A rather interesting change of the guards if you will... for 26 or so years I've defaulted all of my queries to me mum. Now I entrust my well being to the little lady in my life, that assures me that I won't be muffled quietly with a pillow as we sleep.

Relationships... aren't they grand?


Sunday, August 14, 2005


Realized something strange this afternoon... I watch about 2 hours or so of the "food network" a week because one of my roommates watches it religiously on the living room TV. She's been watching the show for a few years now and in all that time, I think its safe to say that I've caught about 100 episodes of Unwrapped in her company and about 30 or so on my own.

While watching an episiode of "Hawiian Treets" this evening, I realized that I've never caught a repeat of their show on TV. I don't know if I should chalk it up to pure coincidence or incredible programing on their part.


Thursday, August 11, 2005


Just noticed how bad the resolution looked on my last posting... thought I'd attempt another shot by doing a little blurb on my lovely pet in Texas.


Katheryn (better half) and I tossed around the idea of getting a little puppy for her home at the beginning of 2005. We approached our 1 year mark in early April and I pitched the idea of possibly getting a dog for our anniversary gift. I believe I sent an email around Valentines... early March that said something to the effect of

"... we're now only puppy & a live in boyfriend away from being an atomic family."

I was of the opinion (and still am) that our 1st year Anniversary gift should be something insanely special. At the time both Katheryn and I discussed getting pro-sumer digital cameras for each other, but I strongly felt that the gifts were too mechanical and cold.

The dog, I thought, would be something warm, alive and forever special. We secured little Abigial 2 weeks before my visit to San Antonio after missing out on some key posts in the local classifieds. Katheryn and I tossed and turned for a few weeks about properly adopting a pet (which we hope to do so in 8 months or so) but we were looking at a short window of opportunity to really share a proper 1 Year Anniversary gift.

Katheryn and I spent several months researching various breeds in hopes of finding the perfect pet, and we settled on getting a Miniature Schnauzer. There were a few nights of private debate on what we would name her... but we settled on Abigail the night before Kathie brought her home.


PS: For anyone interested in Miniature Schnauzers please visit: www.minatureschnauzerrescue.org

Starting Anew

The purpose of my little website (september29th.com) has changed many times over the years... My only objective of having the website 3 years ago was to simply squat on "september29th". I then toyed around with the idea of making it my: electronic portfolio...

That never got off the ground.

So I thought I would use the site to share photos, write introspective stories about my happenings... but I went about posting my thoughts by editing my source index file... which presented a little problem when it came to archiving.

I decided many months ago to secure a Blogging tool (september29th - natch) and promised myself that I would merge the tool with the website, when time would ever allow.

That happened this afternoon. I know have the ability to email entries to my website/blog and hope to fill with senseless entries that only silly friends are likely pour over.

Anyhoo... sit back and enjoy the silly ride.


PS - The photo of me and the penguins was taken a few weeks back at a wedding I attended.