Tuesday, January 24, 2006

iMac = New Home

Ever have one of those mornings where you look over to your loved one, pitch a crazy idea, then find yourself in a car driving out to do up an outrageous purchase?

Woke up Sunday morning and commented to Katheryn that I'd like to make it out to Austin, Texas the next time I came into town so that we could check out Pirate Imports in hopes of securing a project scooter for me to work on.

She half-heartedly agreed... then I commented that we could make an afternoon out of it. I said to her that we could go to Waterloo Records and visit the Austin Apple Store.

I then paused and thought... They just opened an Apple Store in San Antonio.

Katheryn started her Masters Degree program at the University of Incarnate Word last week and she said to me that she was a little worried about her computing situation at home. We discussed the possibility of me bringing up my Powerbook for her to work on for the next 7 weeks... We also discussed the possibility of her securing a refurbished iBook.

I then blurted out. "Let's do breakfast out side of The Shops at La Cantera and check out the Apple Store today."

Kathie's eye's lit up. We got dressed and drove out into the cold drizzly morning in hopes of her getting to become familiar with the Apple product line so that we could procure a new family computer.

We arrived at La Cantera a little bit before 10AM... It was our fist time there and I promise to do a full-length post on the very impressive shopping center at a later date. The Apple Store was closed... and we couldn't find a time listing for Store hours anywhere at the shopping center.

We opted to drive around the area in hopes of finding an iHop to eat at. We couldn't find an iHop in the general UTSA campus... but we stumbled upon a fabulous Mexican Restaurant whose name escapes me at the moment.

While having breaky, Kathie and I discussed Apple offerings and her immediate needs for grad school. I made my case for possibly getting the new iMac, while she felt that an iBook would be a better fit for gradschool. to come to the decision of securing the new Intel Core Duo iMac

We drove back to the Apple Store and walked around every Apple Computer offering. After sitting in front of the iBook and the new iMac, it took Kathie about 10 seconds. With it, we secured an all in one HP Copier/Fax/Printer/Scanner with her Educational discount. While also picking up necessary computer goods for Kathie, I picked up an iSight for my Powerbook so that we could possibly teleconference while away from each other.

Brought it home, got it set up and I can say without any hesitation that it's possibly the Snappiest Mac that I've ever had the pleasure to work on. The machine is very zippy. Hannah and I played with Apple's new program Photo Booth for about an hour.

It rocks hella-wang I tell you!

.Resaca City Rollie.


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