Sunday, May 13, 2007

8 year lapse - 6th st. Austin TX

Despite numerous trips out to Austin in the past 12 months... I got to spend my first night on 6th St. in almost 8 years, last night.

While a number of bars have changed since my last visit... the "strangeness" that is Austin, still exists.

I traveled down a tad bit early to catch a glimpse of a Wakeboard competition in the middle of 6th street. Crews assembled two very large water tanks so that wake boarders could be pulled by a chord and do ariel maneuvers before crashing down and splashing pedestrians along 6th street.

All in all, a good time was had by all. I didn't get a chance to catch EMO's... but I saw an ad for a local band I used to catch in the late 90's called SINS.

I may have to head back here next weekend to check that out.

A bar that took up a lot of my time last night was the Jackalope on 6th. I walked in and the Dead Kennedy's were blaring over the house speakers. If you're ever in town - stop in and get a Helldorado.



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