Sunday, August 21, 2005

Between a rock and a third world drug

Approached a very interesting crossroad in life this weekend... I'm slowly recovering from a nasty head cold I picked up on Friday and for the first time ever in my life, I treated my symptoms with over the counter medications that my better half recommend from the Unitied States.

Up until this weekend, every time I felt a bit under the weather, I phoned home. Asked me mum for a recommendation... two days later a care package with over the counter Mexican medication would arrive at my door step. I haven't the foggiest idea of what I've been putting in my body all these years... I've left all of that in the lap of the gods if you will.

Mother would quickly ask for a list of symptoms and then she'd utter out a strange prescription: "Dos desenfriol'd antes de dormir, y toma te dos the Rinofren quando the amaneses"

The pills mother would send up never came in boxes... instead they came in little foil packages that managed to have very pertinent instructions printed on parts of the foil that make it nearly impossible to make out.

Well the days of reckless "third world" prescriptions (what Kathie calls them) are well behind me. I've put my trust and well being in the hands of my better half in hopes of getting better and having a bit of a better understanding of what I put into my little system. A rather interesting change of the guards if you will... for 26 or so years I've defaulted all of my queries to me mum. Now I entrust my well being to the little lady in my life, that assures me that I won't be muffled quietly with a pillow as we sleep.

Relationships... aren't they grand?



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