Monday, July 17, 2006

iMac G3 : Zissou

I'm about 90% packed up for my trip to San Antonio... currently sifting through items that I can live without for a couple of weeks until I come back down and fill my car up again.

Wanted to take a little time this evening to rave about how well my parents iMac G3 (Graphite 400mhz, 640MB SDRAM, 10.4.7 ) is running. Mind you... the iMac isn't doing anything to task intensive. I've used it to crop some photos, do some personal correspondence and I'm currently have a few conversations with friends around the globe on Adium.

My parents use it for web browsing and very lite email exchanges... so it serves all their purposes without any of the huss and fuss of getting an new computer.

If you run across one, don't hesitate to pick it up.



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