Thursday, July 13, 2006


Finally got around to watching Peter Jackson's "King KONG" this afternoon...

I was more of a Godzilla guy growing up so watching this movie at the theatre was never a priority for me. That and I really disliked how rabid people were over the Rings trilogy...

All the Hobbit hatin' aside, I gotta tell ya... Peter Jackson is officially one of the few directors you can trust with 200 million to make a movie. The King Kong remake is nothing short of "movie magic".

I can't stress how beautiful the movie is. Having watched it at home... I'm a little upset that I didn't make it out to the theatre to catch it.

There's a few "blue screen" scenes that really look bad while watching it at home... but nothing offensive enough to keep you from going out of your way to rent it.

I wouldn't own this movie tho'... there's something pretentious about this picture. As I sat through the movie, all i could think about was how I normally don't watch over-the-top pictures like this.

Also, would have skinned about 40 minutes off of the picture.

Top 3 things I would have cut.

1.) Introduce the Blonde when Jack Black sees her on the street. Had I not seen her until she stuffed her face at the dinner... I think I would have gotten her background without having to see the stuff she did with her previous theater troop.

2.) Eliminate the need to round out the Captain's character. He drives the boat. He has a plan to catch Kong.

3.) Who signed up for Jurassic Park IV?


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