Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Where did the Summer go?

While driving home this afternoon, I got to thinking.... "where did the Summer go?".

Unlike last Summer... things are going incredibly well for me. I'm excited about an upcoming project @ work and after discovering a few new haunts in San Antonio, the city has become a lot more interesting.

With all the goodness going down, I think thats the reason that the summer feels to be slipping away.

In other news, I got around to watching some recent Summer releases.

Becoming Jane : Caught this a few nights ago... I don't know how many liberties they took with Jane Austin's life - but the film was very enjoyable and as romantic drama's go, it's been one of the best I've seen in recent memory. I didn't enjoy it as much as ONCE... but would recommend it to anyone hoping to watch something with a little merit.

Superbad : Caught this, late Sunday evening... there's hundreds of glowing reviews online for the picture, so I won't spend too much time giving it anymore praise.

I found it to be a little slow at times, but it was a total knee slapper. Knocked Up, however remains as my favorite Summer comedy.

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