Monday, September 17, 2007

Surrounding myself with music

So... I finally got around to securing proper shelves for my music collection.

I think 20 or so months passed between me having direct access to my entire library. There were numerous reasons for me having them put up for so long. a.) I moved from Detroit to San Antonio... then to South Texas... then back to San Antonio in a span of 8 months.

b.) I went through a shitty split up and I didn't want to listen... let alone look at a music library that I had shared with someone for almost 4 years.

I forget how much time passed between the break-up and me getting the itch to get my shit together - but my search for shelves took far longer than I had anticipated.

I ended up settling for these.

I'm pretty happy with them. I currently have my music collection set up stacks. My goal is to slowly alphabetize them so that I can go through them like a Disc Jockey goes through stacks of music in a radio station.

In the second picture you can that I've put my record collection in a set of sturdy wood boxes.

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