Sunday, March 09, 2008

9:00am but 7:00am in my heart and mind

Firstly... daylight savings, "spring forward" time sucks vicious wang. While the clock insists that its 9:00AM, its truly 7:00 in my heart and mind.

I can't believe its Sunday already.

The week has been a blur for the most part. We had the election here last Tuesday and I've been meaning to write up my experience for the local caucus but haven't had time to. In short - the experience wasn't exactly a pleasant one. I'm of the opinion that everyone around me, including the organizers were a little confused about how the fucking process works. Adding to the confusion was an extraordinary turnout by first time voters. Most of whom tried to make the most of having to wait 2 hours in line to caucus. Not vote... that was a separate process all together and I haven't the foggiest idea how long it took for them to get through that shit.

The most upsetting part, at least for me, was filling out an freakish questionnaire as I submitted my public vote. Here's a short list of things I was asked.• Name (understandable)
• Addy (understandable)
• Phone # (no thank you)
• email (fuck off)
• endorsement (Obama thank you)
• Are you mentally/physically handicapped (wtf? this was the first question of 5 that made no sense what so ever)
• Are you gay, lesbian or transgender....

At this point - i scratch out my entry and inform the volunteers that these were questions I was not willing to answer. Why the fuck do they have to upset you after waiting 3 hours to fucking do your part? Who the fuck approves this shit?

... Wednesday

So Wednesday turned out to be a blast. I recently made a new friend here in the Alamo City. His name is Robert and he's a fellow hardcore scooterist. We have a number of shared interests outside of scooting so we got together on Wednesday for eats and a ride around the city. I took him to a number of local hangs - including a killer record store called "Music Town" and we made it over to Madhatters, a tea house located in the historic King Williams district.

• photo credit : photo of scoots was taken by my friend Robert Kelley

... Thursday

Got around to catching up on some TV, watched LOST and recorded a podcast. A Ekobase podcast you can pick up here by the way. We're up to episode 36. This is possibly the best one we've done this season.

.... Friday

Friday turned out a little differently than planned. I planned on having dinner at home and making preparations for my parents to visit on Saturday. Those plans went out the window when i discovered that they were coming up a day early. Managed to make it out to First Friday and met up with some friends at Beethoven's. While the turnout was good - I didn't see many scooterists make the trek out to King Williams. Good times tho'.

... Saturday

Caught an interesting show last night. I got around to seeing a popular local act called Girl in a Coma (my second time) and a very promising SKA act by the name of "Kevin Goes 2 College". They played at a terrible venue on the NorthEast side of town - but made the trip out to meet up with Robert and his wife. I didn't stick around for the entire set. The show was plagued with sound issues and I was more interested in watching the Vampire Weekend performance on Saturday Nite live.

I was uber enthused to see them play M79. :)

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