Thursday, September 07, 2006


ok... so last night I had a dream that I hit it off with a girl at a
costume party. No biggie. at the party she had too much to drink
and she got sick. no biggie. anyhoo... she was very cool and I made
sure she was ok and got home safely.

a week later when arriving back from a trip of some kind I'm met by
her and 3 people. The first person I can't recall... but it was a
friend. The second person was her ex-boyfriend and still good
friend in standing. The person after that... was her rabbi.

The rabbi was weird because he wouldn't shake my hand. he kinda
looked like the little woman from Poltergeist but with a beard.

He kept on looking at me weird because I went in for a handshake...
do rabbi's shake hands? Because he looked offended that I didn't
know that Rabbi's shook hands or maybe he was upset because I wasn't
clearly jewish.

the next thing I know he asks me if I've ever been to temple.

I told him that I haven't... but I've been invited in the past. I
was afraid to sit in not knowing any of the rituals or where exactly
to sit.

the dream then fast forwards to Temple where I arrive. for some
reason I feel very lost in Temple. I can kinda see where the men are
sitting. I hear people talking but not in a familiar language.
Kinda like prayers or something.

The next thing I know the only seat I can find is within the women.
for some reason people have segregated and I'm with the girls. The
women are all wearing red.. the next thing I know everyone around me
starts singing the song"The continuing story of Bungalow Bill" - by the Beatles.

I woke up at 4:18 AM and was spooked out for the rest of the morning.

Dear friend and lawyer analyzed the dream and said -
"No, you're feeling the loss of Kathy and are subconsciously preparing for an ill advised marriage to someone you barely know who isn't suited to you"
"Temple is incidental to your choice of inappropriate mate, The Beatles song is incidental or relates to you killing your relationship with Kathy"

While a lot of what Ted said makes sense...  the Beatles song baffles me.

What is your take?


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