Sunday, November 19, 2006

Mission Wiicomplished

I was one of 20 lucky peeps at a local wal-mart last night to secure the new Nintendo Wii. My wait was anything but unpleasant. I got in line 20 minutes after 6 PM... I was the 11th person in line and I sat next to some really cool people.

Some drama went down at the end of the line because of some kids that supposedly cut-in.

I went into the bathroom when that happened, but when I got back I got word that they would be giving out a "Wii tickets" early. That happened minutes after 9:00PM, so I got to go home eat before I had to return at midnight.

When I arrived they asked orders 1 - 10 to form one line and they asked orders 11 (me) thru 20 to form another. Because I was one of the first 2 people to secure accessories. I was able to secure an extra Wiimote, a numbchuck, a classic controller and a Nintendo Points card.

I arrived safely at home last night around 1:00 AM.

the Wiimote
If you haven't had a chance to use the Nintendo Wii yet... you're probably wondering what its like. The Wiimote feels like a quality product. Can't say that the Numbchuck feels the same in hand. The Numbchuck ergonomically feels amazing tho'. Just disturbingly light...

The Set up was a Breeze. In comparison to the 360, it felt a lot more fluid and simple. The Controller flows incredibly well through the navigation screens. There's a gentle buzz in the remote has you move in any direction. It's incredibly intuitive. There's a number of directions on the screen but its done with little copy and it almost feels like every decision is the appropriate one and you don't really have to look.

The Games
I had to get up extra early this morning to secure a copy of Zelda... They misplaced them at the Wal-Mart I got my Wii last night so I played Wii sports till 2:00AM last night.

I'll post more on this later.

I downloaded SONIC the Hedgehog this afternoon. The download was wicked quick... I forget how big the first Sonic game was... but it downloaded in what seemed like seconds.

All in all... the system is great. I can't wait to play some Game Cube games on it like Battalion Wars.

I'll post more later.

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