Sunday, January 21, 2007

Final Fantasy III

When not obssessing about what teams will square off in Superbowl 41, yours trully has been completely captivated by Final Fantasy III for the Nintendo DS.

Picked up a copy over the weekend to pass the time while kicking it at my parents.

I'm of the opinion that Final Fantasy VII is possibly the greatest game ever created... I attemped to play parts 8, 9 and 10... but none of them captured the magic of 7.

More importatnly... none of the following chapters captured the simplicity of part 7. Several friends of mine in College didn't dig the political backdrop of part 7, but I was never a huge fan of slaying dragons and figuring out Mage & Warrior combinations.

Anyhoo... its been a while since I checked out a Final Fantasy and I thought I'd give FFIII a shot. I figured that some simplicity had to be built into the game so it couldn't be all that bad...

I felt a little guilty purchasing the game seeing how I never really beat CONTACT... a game that is beautiful and freakishly hard.

I've dropped about 2 hours of gameplay into the game and I'm loving it! The gameplay is pretty simple... the weaponry makes sense and I'm an hour or so away from making people in my party keepers of White/Black magic, Warriors, Theives or BMF's with a Bow & Arrow.

If you're hard up for a game on the DS and you haven't played a RPG in a while, pick this one up. It rawks vicious wang.

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