Monday, March 13, 2006

Weekend Wrap Up

It's a little after 10:00 AM CST in South Texas… The last 4 days have been very dizzying. Left Friday morning for San Antonio in hopes of getting some rest Friday night before I got around to some much needed lawn care at Kathie's house on Saturday (more on that later).

Kathie and I woke up Saturday in hopes of finding a decent washing machine for her new place… We've had some nightmarish luck with a variety of appliances in recent weeks, but none of it can touch the hell that we've encountered with the washer and dryers at our new place…. The "old washer" officially crapped out on us and we decided to purchase a new one Saturday morning. I know a precious fuck-all about said appliances. If washers came with a flat screen TV's on them, I would have been a bit more help, so we went to a local Home Depot to get some information and lucked out by finding a great deal on a Washer we both thought would be an ideal purchase… It occurred to us both however that we didn't have a truck (or a friend with the afternoon off to help us out) to take it home so I made arrangements with Home Depot to rent one from them to take our new washer home.

Because of the fabulous savings on the washer… Kathie was kind enough to purchase me a lovely grill for our upcoming 2-year anniversary. The grill fits just about every possible need that Katheryn and I need for summer cook outs. I spent a solid hour and a half on Saturday treating the steel with corn oil before I got around to using it Saturday night…

After unloading the washer and grill at the new place… returning the truck… securing lunch and setting up an old iBook at Kathie's for wireless access in the Kitchen/Living Room… I took a few hours on Saturday to catch up on some much needed yard work. I started the afternoon by taking care of a few WASP colonies that formed inside of our backyard work shed. I purchased a kick-ass can of eat-shit-bee's spray that could get the job done from 30ft away. The can worked as advertised… anyone with said problem should pick up Raid's offering for killing bees.

After killing the troublesome wasps, I raked the back yard for zanny shit that the previous owners left behind… bottle caps, destroyed toys, cotton balls that I think previous pets spread around when they got a hold of a comforter… Also got around to raking up many pieces of dog dookie that the previous dogs dropped throughout the back yard. Once that was done… I hoped to fertilize the back yard… but I got around to spraying the perimeter of house with Ant/Flea/and 14 other bug - poison so that Abbie, our dog, would feel a little more comfortable in the back yard.

All in all… I think it worked out OK. Kathie and I went to a local meat-market, picked out some choice meat(s) on Saturday for a small cook out at home. I won't get a chance to head back to San Antonio till April 1st to celebrate her belated birthday… but it will give us some time to figure out what we'll grill up next. If all goes well, we may even get to host my good friend Nano that day too.



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