Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Soprano's talk

Tony's officially out of his coma... a welcomed relief after the strange story arch that began in last week (episode 67)... While out, Silvio had a brief moment as acting-skipper... he completely freaked under the circumstances and had to also check into a hospital. For a very brief moment, the family began to wonder what would happen if Tony and Silvio were both to expire... Vito (whom I have getting clipped in 3 episodes or less) makes another strange plea on camera to try and get support to move up the ranks to Boss. Like anyone else wouldn't shoot Vito for a nickel.

I don't know how (or when) the demise of Vito will come... but I think he's going to get outed by Medow's boyfriend for his homosuspicious ways.

Best part of Sunday's episode was the Slasher/Godfather movie pitch, where the assembled family members waxed on nuances of "horror".




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