Monday, June 12, 2006

the Aristocrats

After many months of finding excuses to put this off... I got the Aristocrats in the mail today from Netflix.

After seeing it... I gotta say that it was a struggle to sit through the first hour or so... I drifted in and out of it while shredding junk mail and pay bills online. I think the first time I perked up was when Bob Saget began to tell the blue joke on screen. I don't know what it is about Bob Saget working blue, but I find myself stuck to the screen when he begins cursing.

2 other worthwhile moments in the documentary... Gilbert Gottfried performing the joke at the Hefner roast of 2001... the other is the (and I can't believe I'm going to say this... is the characters of South Park performing the joke in their animated form.

Highly recommend this to people who love stand up comedy... but recommend to stay away from it if you're not all that into absurd documentaries.


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