Wednesday, July 26, 2006

The Hell of Living in San Antonio...

So... I've been really bad about giving updates about my recent move to San Antonio. I truly wish that I could blame it on being lazy. The truth however is that I'm possibly having the worst streak of LUCK that I could possibly imagine.

I honestly can't remember the last time something worked in my favor.

Just today... after having to wait 6 days for the US Postal Service to re-key my mail box. They've inexplicably gone out of their way to re-key the locks 1 day. Let me repeat that. 1 DAY after giving me a set of new keys that worked yesterday.

Then there's my work email. For reasons which are beyond anyones explanation... My email account won't work on my computer. I've had 3 IT guys rebuild my account and not one can understand what the fuck is going on...

Then there's the quagmire of the San Antonio Water Works... When I moved into my house last week I was told that the builders of this home had an outstanding balance for 3 months of water usage that had gone unpaid.

I contacted the company whom I'm renting the house from to assist me... but I'm now 8 working days from my first notification to them and they've yet to settle the issue with SAWS.

Long story short - the company that rents my house... they pretty much have their heads up their ass.

They gave me a false fax machine and false contact to help resolve the matter. After successfully getting in touch with the builders of my home... we found out that it was sold to a gentleman whose name starts with a "d".

Lets call him "Dick"

Dick apparently purchased the house and is having the company (whom I got the house from) to rent it out for him. Said person has a 3 month outstanding balance... he's impossible to get a hold of and I will likely lose access to water Friday if SAWS doesn't get him to sign over the proper paper work.

What pisses me off... SAWS has proof of my lease agreement and they REFUSE to open a account because of the pending troubles they're having with a guy I've never fucking met.

So... now I have to arrange to visit some time in my day tomorrow to go down to the office of the place i rented this hell-hole from and hopefully have someone fired over this shit.

- rollie


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