Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Gift of the Year: Guitar Magnets

Prior to being with Kathie, I never had a proper stocking which would be filled with little holiday goodies and stocking stuffer treats. This XMas, my better half surprised me with little Gibson Guitar magnets for the fridge! Like any obsessive music nut, I had to rush over to the fridge and figure out what proper order to place them.

Prior to receiving my geetar magnets... the only things I had up were my Pez magnets.

While trying to figure out which guitars and pez should be on the freezer/fridge doors.... I stopped for a second and thought how cool it would be to adorn the pez figures with guitars across their bodies.

I never admit publicly how much time I spent, trying to figure out what Pez should wear what Gibson, but believe me when I tell you that I spent more time on this project than I did shaving carefully this morning.

If all goes well, I hope to secure these Kiss Magnets to outfit my fridge completely!


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