Tuesday, April 18, 2006

What you don't say...

I've been spending a considerable amount of time at Newsvine the past couple of weeks following the "Iran-nuclear-threat" story, in hopes of understanding an inevitable trainwreck.

In short… Iran has begun a uranium enrichment program to generate electricity. There are a number of countries that aren't all that pleased with this development and they're currently seeking diplomatic avenues to stop Iran from continuing it's current nuclear program.

There are a number of articles one can find on the subject and I urge anyone with a spare moment to bone up on the topic in light of the President's (Bush) comment on a possible nuclear strike on Iranian nuclear facilities.

Let me repeat that. Bush was asked today if the Administration was planning for the possibility of a nu-clear strike against Iranian nuclear facilities… his answer "all options are on the table".

I'm not old enough to know what the Bay of Pigs was like… I'll ask my father about that this afternoon, but I take great discomfort in our President answering the above question with "all options are on the table". For our President to openly state that a nuclear-preemptive-action against any Iran sickens me to my stom-ach.

I understand why a President can't rule out possible pre-emptive force against a Country/Leader that has fanned the flames of hate against Israel… but he can't stand before the world and say what he did this afternoon.

Hug the ones you love.



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