Thursday, July 27, 2006


With very little down time the past couple of weeks I've been watching a number of odd shows on Television until I get back into the groove of watching my normal programing.

I recently signed up for TimeWarner's triple threat of: HighDef-Digital Cable/Phone/Internet

I only have 1 of those 3 properly working at the moment - my HD set won't be delivered and installed until this weekend and our digital phone is out until some time today... but I digress.

With my triple threat sign up, I got a few extra movie channels for Free (12 months) including Showtime, Starz and something else... its not Cinemax tho...

Anyhoo... I've never had anything outside of HBO so I decided to check out Showtime's highly praised television-drama WEEDS.

For some reason I thought this show was going to be a poor spin off or HBO's very popular Six Feet Under... possibly because I heard that the main character loses her husband in the very first episode. (In SFU, the main characters loose their father in the first episode)

Anyhoo... the show (well, season 1) is about a mother who looses her husband unexpectedly and has to sell Weed to support her children and middle class lifestyle.

The show's production isn't exactly on par with some of HBO's programs... the show however has some really interesting dynamics and I've found myself hooked to the show.

Sadly... our OnDemand has been in and out all week so I've only seen episodes 1 and 2. I just found out last night that episodes 3 and 4 are missing for some strange reason... so I'll have to pick up on Episode 5 or go out of my way and put the series on my Netflix...

Anyhoo... check out the show if you get a chance. Season 2 of WEEDS starts up in a couple of weeks... if all goes well I'll be all caught up before the season kicks off.


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