Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Chimeracon (sp?)

Received an invite over the weekend to attend an event in town called Chimeracon. A comic-con of sorts but with a focus put on board games. Well... I should limit it to board games. There's a number of games at the event... video games, card games, board games and the games that require statues, little tanks, tables that have terrain like environments.

My friend Robert is really into board games and he told me about Indie games that are made available at these events. He picked one up that goes by the name of "Smugglers of the Galaxy"... a game we got to actually break out at the event and play with a few people who also attended the event.

The con was sorta small in comparison to the Comic Con's I've been to in Detroit - but it was fun nonetheless. I'd go to another one if it were guaranteed to be bigger.

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