Thursday, October 20, 2005

Working at the W.C.

For many... the trek into the office an be a difficult one.

In the general vicinity of my work place, I drive by one of the strangest Area Office Headquarters that I've ever seen...

I don't know when the building was erected. Or if possibly brakes any architectural ordinances... but driving by it every afternoon is one of my favorite moments of the day.

I've never seen an employee walk in or out of the building. I can only imagine that the people who work within sprint to & from their cars so that they don't get spotted going in and out. But what if I'm completely wrong? What if the people who work within are totally happy about where they work and how their office looks?

I don't know why I spend so much time wondering about the office building as I do... but how can a person go by it and not wonder what the property value for the adjacent slots are?

Do the companies that work next to it tell their visitors to hang a right at such and such street... and pull into the building right after the White Castle?

Saturday, October 08, 2005

The Queen's Jewels

Every once in a while it's worthwhile to swing by your local record store to see what's in the Used Bin. While out running errands during my lunch break yesterday I ran across Queen's 25th Anniversary box set "The Crown Jewels". The box set was in pristine condition and was on sale for 60 bucks. Thats roughly half of what it fetched for brand new... but the box is currently out of print.

Admittedly the need to own 7 Queen albums is low... I'd be pretty happy with some of their best-of samplings, but some of the albums in the box set are "must own". Queen II, Sheer Heart Attack, and A Night At the Opera are worth while have in my collection... at 16 bucks a piece (new) I found justification in getting a box set that would also include Queen, A Day At The Races, Jazz, News of The World and The Game.

Monday, October 03, 2005

Dayton Day : 3

Before leaving the city of Dayton... I had a chance to catch their annual Oktoberfest. I've never really attended a festival like Oktoberfest before... It was a lot like the Rio Grande Valley Livestock Show except drinks were far more pricey and the likelihood of stepping in a cow patty was much lower.

While there I managed to secure a new caricature of myself. I've been collecting these for a few years now. This one was done by a rather good artist whose complete name escapes me at the moment.... His first name was Walt and if you can make out his last name in the picture below, then you'll know whom it is.


Bonnetts Book Store

Every road trip should have a memorable memory... one of the most memorable moments on my recent trip to Dayton, was getting to visit a little book store in the Oregon District called Bonnetts Book Store.

The book store peddled your usual book store finds... they had a bit more pornographic than I usually run across in these types of store fronts, but it was the collection of toys that really made the book store memorable.

Below are a few photos I took at the place.

Dayton Music Fest

Biggest reason for me to head down to Dayton over the weekend was to catch my friend Joe play at the Dayton Music Festival. I didn't know too many people on the bill (largest artist were Enon and Swearing at Motorists) but it was reason enough to trek 3 hours south to meet up with some friends and catch a few acts that I wasn't very familiar with.

The festival (from what I can remember of it) was quite a success... all the venues appeared to be filled to capacity. I managed to really only catch 3 bands throughout the evening... I attempted to visit every bar, but several of the bars filled too quickly.

Road Trip: Dayton - Day 2

Woke up with a very nasty hangover Saturday... but had a very busy day ahead, so I took a few Excedrine migraine pills and toured around the city of Dayton with some friends in the morning. While out and a'bout I had an opportunity to visit Wright Paterson Air Force Base. The pal I stayed with is a Lieutenant Fire Fighter at WPAFB so I a chance to visit his station and visit one major commands for the United States Air Force. My father is rather keen on aviation, so through him my interest in the Air Force started at a rather young age.

My visit to Wright Paterson, was my first visit to a command since my father took me to Harlingen Air Force Base, Texas. The base was far bigger in size and importance. Prior to my visit, the only think I know about Wright Paterson was that the Air Force Base had some involvement with the Roswell "incident" in the 1950's.

Didn't notice any strange extraterrestrial or advanced aeronautic activity while there, but I was assured that serious shit goes on down there. While on the base, my friend pointed out a building that is currently developing Laser weaponry. I also got to see some very nice historic planes, such as the MiG-29. My friend mentioned the Air Force Base purchased several of these to reverse engineer their abilities... a local News Station caught wind of it and they were sorta strong armed into saying that they purchased the planes so that they wouldn't be on the black market and to have a few on display. Must admit that the MiG's were quite impressive. There's something that speaks to me about Enemy technology... for some strange reason i seem drawn to it more. Not to knock any engineering advances that the U.S. has... but other countries have developed cooler looking shit.

But I digress. We were there to visit his Fire Station and to pick up a Motorcycle that he was going to borrow for a Rally in Washington D.C. The Fire Station wasn't anything like imagined it in my head... there wasn't a fire pole in his assigned fire station. I was told that morning that Poles are being phased out of fire stations all together... something about firemen getting hurt while sliding down em'. Of the four stations I visited Saturday morning, one (had a pole that is still in use, but that's only because its the oldest fire station on the base.

Saturday, October 01, 2005

Road Trip: D8N -Day 1

Received word a few months ago that Dayton would be having a music festival, the weekend of October 1st and made plans with friends in the area to come down and visit for a few days. Dayton, is a mid-sized city just north of Cincinnati... It's been well over a year since my last proper visit.

While out last night I got a chance to dine at the fabulousThai 9 Restaurant, located in Dayton's historic "Oregon District".

Being absent minded dink that I am... I forgot me'camera in the car last night. Curtsey of the website, below is a picture of where we ate last night.
