Thursday, May 31, 2007

Today's Mini - Drama

Had some A.C. trouble over the Memorial Day weekend... but opted to not write about how unhappy I am about the muggy evenings @ home.

The way I see it. I really don't have it all that bad.

While I'm happy to report that my A.C. is up and running again - the technician had to cut out a hole in my bedroom wall to address a leak of some kind.

I haven't the foggiest idea - when I'll get around to having someone over to fix the hole now.

... ugh.


Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Hidden Palms

Tuned into the series premier of Hidden Palms this evening.

I'm a little unsure if I'm going to hang for the entire season or not.
The production is really bad and it felt like the pilot went out of its way to find spots to soundtrack 20 or so songs.

Its going to be a long summer... and I need to desperately replenish my Netflix que.


Built Ford What?

Something strange occurred on my way out to my car this afternoon...
A co-worker's truck - caught fire.

Cause of the fire is still unknown. I overheard someone say something about a electrical short.... but I find this a little hard to believe.

Looks like something out of a Jerry Bruckheimer film.


Friday, May 25, 2007

Episode IV - the 30th Anniversary

30 years ago today, Star Wars debuted in theaters throughout the country.

I was born in December of 1977, so I won't be posting any stories about how I saw it in the theater as a little tike.

I don't recall the first time I saw Episode IV... It may have been after seeing Empire Strikes Back. I do however recall my father purchasing Episode IV on Videodisc for me while we were on vacation in Denver, CO.

I've seen the movie upwards of 200 times... I haven't seen it in a few years, but plan to catch it this evening on Cinemax as they intend to show all 6 Episodes in HD.

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Episode 28 | Ekobase

Latest episode of Ekobase is up...

Season 3 is finally over. I've been bad about posting ekobase (posting anything actually) updates lately... episodes 27-25 are also available on the link above.

We're going to take a much needed break... but we plan to post a few shows between now and January of 2008 when the show returns for Season 4.


Tuesday, May 22, 2007

TOOL - live @ AT&T Center

Did something last night that many of my dear friends would find uncharacteristic.... not only did I attend a TOOL concert at a basketball arena. I also chaperoned a 16 year old kid to the show because his parent (co-worker) had to step out of town for business.

I won't spend to much time regarding the interaction I had with the 16 year old at the show... the kid was very bright and I was happy to accompany him to his first concert - ever.

.... The Show

I can't recall the last time I caught a show at a 20K seat arena (I think it was Depeche Mode in Auburn Hills), but I can safely say that it was within the last 5 years.

Before taking our seats, I asked my friend if he was interested in hitting up the merch table.

Not to come across as an old-fuddy-duddy, but do you have any idea what a concert t-shirt goes for @ an arena show?

• $43.

When I wasn't shaking my head in disgust for the high t-shirt costs - I stood among a throng of TOOL fans catching one of the best light shows I've ever seen.

I'd got further in depth but I doubt anyone cares to hear my thoughts on the subject.

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Friday, May 18, 2007

The new Macbook

After 3 years of tireless - service... I say good by to my trusty Powerbook and say "hello" to my new Apple MacBook.

I recently found a fellow, Alamo Cityian to purchase my trusty G4. Took those earnings and sunk them into a new laptop.

I can't stress how nice the new lappy is. Not only is it very snappy & responsive. There's something about having a proper - consumer laptop at my fingertips.

Having the Powerbook the past 3 years... was a bit of a drag. I rarely took it out of the house and when I did I went to great extremes to handle it with amazing care. It felt like having a foldable desktop.

If you're in the market for a new laptop - please consider the new MacBook.


Wednesday, May 16, 2007

A year ago today

A year ago today, my loving pet and best friend - Elliot Likely - was born in San Antonio Texas.

As luck would have it... little Elliot is currently spending some time with my parents & sister in South Texas. I won't get around to celebrating his birthday until he returns this Friday, but I've been thinking about him all day.


Sunday, May 13, 2007

8 year lapse - 6th st. Austin TX

Despite numerous trips out to Austin in the past 12 months... I got to spend my first night on 6th St. in almost 8 years, last night.

While a number of bars have changed since my last visit... the "strangeness" that is Austin, still exists.

I traveled down a tad bit early to catch a glimpse of a Wakeboard competition in the middle of 6th street. Crews assembled two very large water tanks so that wake boarders could be pulled by a chord and do ariel maneuvers before crashing down and splashing pedestrians along 6th street.

All in all, a good time was had by all. I didn't get a chance to catch EMO's... but I saw an ad for a local band I used to catch in the late 90's called SINS.

I may have to head back here next weekend to check that out.

A bar that took up a lot of my time last night was the Jackalope on 6th. I walked in and the Dead Kennedy's were blaring over the house speakers. If you're ever in town - stop in and get a Helldorado.


Monday, May 07, 2007

Thoughts on Spidey 3

I left the theater feeling a little disappointed. I wasn't exactly sure why at first... Summer "blockbusters" are a guilty pleasure of mine. I snicker when idiots flock to see films like STEALTH... but there's something about seeing a film like Spiderman - on opening weekend.

I couldn't believe that I was going to throw money at the "machine" that would break every box-office record to date.

I'll do the same in 3 weeks when I catch the last installment of PIRATES but I digress.

The Good

I don't know if I'm alone in saying this... but I get a kick out of seeing Sam Raimi's name associated with one of the largest grossing - motion pictures to ever hit the silver screen. I can't believe the guy who brought us The EVIL DEAD has been given the keys to the Spiderman cineverse.

When I'm not mentally slurping Raimi for taking part in Spidey 3, I sit back in awe and watch special effects - such as the Sandman and wonder what films will be like in 5 years.

If given enough time over the weekend, I can create a Quicktime movie of me wielding a light saber.

It's films like this that set the bar of "movie magic" to a new high...

That said... on to the bad

Let me preface my little rant by saying that I've never read a comic book in my life. I haven't the foggiest idea if this film upsets the devout-comic fan... I do however know that I've seen Comic-Book related movies my entire life.

As far as Spiderman 3 goes... I'm of the opinion that the film covered to much ground for a comic book film.

Here's a short list of things that upset me.

• Was it me or was Spiderman 3 was a little dialogue heavy?

• So let me get this straight.... it was Sandman who killed your Uncle? (anyone reading this blog, ever read the comic? is this a big leap here?)

• So by Spiderman 5... Will Peter be done with his Ph.D. and not be living in shitty studio with a door that doesn't stay shut?

• Was it me or did Peter (dressed in all black) look a lot like Conor Oberst from Bright Eyes?

• If you're going to pay a ridiculous homage to "Saturday Night Fever" - track the fucking song...

• Sammy... I get it. You and Bruce Campbell are friends - enough with finding him bit parts in Spideyverse.
•• Sub Point : This was the comedic interjection that the movie sorely needed after the first 45 minutes. Had Spiderman 3 started with this scene.... I think I would be writing a different review.

• What's with the musical numbers?

• If Parker is going to dawn the black suit and cross the line... then CROSS the line. Chicks he should have boned in Spidey 3. 1.) The receptionist at the Daily Bugle, 2.) the Romanian neighbor - who makes him cookies 3.) Gwen Stacy - she should be burdened with carrying his hate-child.

• Villains for the most part have a purpose for existing... the two-bit photographer who ended up becoming VENOM - upset me to no end. In the grand scheme of things, Spiderman could give a precious fuck-all about him.

I could go on and on... but I'll stop here.


Friday, May 04, 2007

Home Early | Ekobase's not so real 25th Episode

Talking a half-day of sorts... the office I work @ is putting in new carpet. I'm not very thrilled about the stuff they're going to lay down. Below is a photo of what its going to look at.

I get vertigo when I walk down the halls of the workplace.

In other news - the latest episode of Ekobase is up...

We didn't record a proper episode last night - so we uploaded a popular Pop-cult podcast in its place so that we could cross pollinate our listeners.

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