Like thousands of other fanboys, yours truly set out and purchased a brand new iPhone.
My story is nearly identical to most... with the exception that I didn't wait in line all that long. I drove up to a local AT&T store at 5:45 PM - stood behind 60 or so people and walked out of the store with my purchase at 6:23PM.
Setting up of the phone was easy.
I've read a number of complaints regarding issues with activation. I downloaded the latest version of iTunes - opened my newest gadget and began the initial set up.
It took me 8 minutes or so to complete the iTunes-activation. I received word that my phone number was in the process of being transfered from T-Mobile and it would take anywhere from 15 minutes to 3 hours.
Took the dogs for a brisk walk. Upon my return the iPhone was completely ready for use.
I could go into chapter and verse about how stunning the UI is on the device. The experience, simply put - amazing.
It's an engineering benchmark.
That said - I conducted a number of quick tests. I set up the iPhone to work on my home WiFi network. That took 5 seconds or so... working in an all Mac environment doesn't hurt.
After running through all the Apps - I called my father at his home and asked about the phone quality on his end.
One of the biggest complaints I received from friends and families was that I couldn't be heard all that well while on T-Mobile.
My father confirmed what I had hoped.... he said that I sounded crystal clear.
I called 5 or so other friends all of which confirmed the same thing.
As cellphones go... I'd give it an 8.8 out of 10 in regards to call goodness.
Dislikes One of my biggest dislikes of the phone is the inability to drop songs onto it like any iPod I have ever owned.
The device insists on syncing entire libraries or playlists.
I'm hoping that a firmware update address this in the near future.
Another complaint is that the phone doesn't mount onto the desktop to utilize free space on the device - as a portable HD.
I'm only going to assume this was done so that the device couldn't be compromised.
Anyhoo - the iPhone is well worth the price of admission. If you're thinking about getting one - I highly recommend that you swing by an Apple store or an AT&T local to see what all the fuss is about.
.alamo city rollie.
Labels: Apple, iPhone